Photographing Besty the Cow in Florida could land you in jail!
In a senate bill ( SB 1246) filed Monday by  Sen. Jim Norman, R- Tampa, photographing a farm without written permission  from the owner would be a first- degree felony.
To read more about this unconstitutional bill see the article by Bruce Ritchie in the Florida Tribune.
Please let your local political representative know how silly this bill is. Â Last time I check anything photographed ( not using a “super telephoto lens”) from public property was fair game.

Dairy cows eat, rest, and bask in the sun Tuesday afternoon in Cooper City, FL on "farm land" on the North West corner of Sheridan Street and University Drive. As this was once a normal scene in West Broward County, it is becoming more rare with the huge growth in population that the county has seen in the last 15 years. It will not be before long that this land is filled with a strip shopping center or townhouses.
Tags: Commercial Photographer, Florida Photography, Fort Lauderdale Photographer, Miami Commercial Photographer, Miami Photographer, Miami Photography, South Florida Photographer